Yan Jiang, a Ph.D. student in ECE from our lab, passed her Graduate Board Oral Examination! Congratulations!
Year: 2020
Eli receives NSF Graduate Fellowship
Elijah Pivo, a member in our lab, receives NSF Graduate Fellowship! Congratulations!
1 paper accepted to TSUSC
Our paper on online EV scheduling for adaptive charging networks [1] has been accepted to IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing!
[Bibtex] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Electricity bill constitutes a significant portion of operational costs for large scale data centers. Empowering data centers with on-site storages can reduce the electricity bill by shaping the energy procurement from deregulated electricity markets with real-time price fluctuations. This paper focuses on designing energy procurement and storage management strategies to minimize the electricity bill of storage-assisted data centers. Designing such strategies is challenging since the net energy demand of the data center and electricity market prices are not known in advance, and the underlying problem is coupled over time due to evolution of the storage level. Using competitive ratio as the performance measure, we propose an online algorithm that determines the energy procurement and storage management strategies using a threshold based policy. Our algorithm achieves the optimal competitive ratio of as a function of the price fluctuation ratio. We validate the algorithm using data traces from electricity markets and data-center energy demands. The results show that our algorithm achieves close to the offline optimal performance and outperforms existing alternatives.
abstract = {Electricity bill constitutes a significant portion of operational costs for large scale data centers. Empowering data centers with on-site storages can reduce the electricity bill by shaping the energy procurement from deregulated electricity markets with real-time price fluctuations. This paper focuses on designing energy procurement and storage management strategies to minimize the electricity bill of storage-assisted data centers. Designing such strategies is challenging since the net energy demand of the data center and electricity market prices are not known in advance, and the underlying problem is coupled over time due to evolution of the storage level. Using competitive ratio as the performance measure, we propose an online algorithm that determines the energy procurement and storage management strategies using a threshold based policy. Our algorithm achieves the optimal competitive ratio of as a function of the price fluctuation ratio. We validate the algorithm using data traces from electricity markets and data-center energy demands. The results show that our algorithm achieves close to the offline optimal performance and outperforms existing alternatives.},
author = {Bahram, Alina and Hajiesmaili, Mohammad H. and Lee, Zachary and Crespi, Noel and Mallada, Enrique},
doi = {10.1109/TSUSC.2020.2979854},
grants = {CAREER-1752362, CPS-1544771, ENERGISE-DE-EE0008006, AMPS-1736448, TRIPODS-1934979,EPCN-1711188,},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing},
month = {1},
title = {Online EV Scheduling Algorithms for Adaptive Charging Networks with Global Peak Constraints},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2020-TSUSC-BHLCM.pdf},
year = {2020}
2 papers accepted to ECC 20
Our papers on minimum-time charging of energy storage via approximate conic relaxation [1] and on generation cost reduction [2] have been accepted to European Control Conference 2020!
[Bibtex] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
We study the problem of maximizing energy transfer to a load in a DC microgrid while respecting constraints on bus voltages and currents, and accounting for the impact of neighboring constant power loads. Both the objective and dynamics give rise to indefinite quadratic terms, resulting in a non-convex optimization problem. Through change of variables and relaxations we develop a closely related second-order cone program. The problem retains the same feasible set as the original problem but utilizes a linear approximation of the non-convex objective. We demonstrate how this can be used to design approximately optimal charging profiles for periodic pulsed loads in real time.
abstract = {We study the problem of maximizing energy transfer to a load in a DC microgrid while respecting constraints on bus voltages and currents, and accounting for the impact of neighboring constant power loads. Both the objective and dynamics give rise to indefinite quadratic terms, resulting in a non-convex optimization problem. Through change of variables and relaxations we develop a closely related second-order cone program. The problem retains the same feasible set as the original problem but utilizes a linear approximation of the non-convex objective. We demonstrate how this can be used to design approximately optimal charging profiles for periodic pulsed loads in real time.},
author = {Guthrie, James and Mallada, Enrique},
booktitle = {19th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC)},
doi = {10.23919/ECC51009.2020.9143992},
grants = {CAREER-1752362, CPS-1544771, ENERGISE-DE-EE0008006, AMPS-1736448, TRIPODS-1934979, EPCN-1711188, ARO-W911NF-17-1-0092},
keywords = {Power Networks},
month = {5},
pages = {1713-1718},
title = {Minimum-Time Charging of Energy Storage in Microgrids via Approximate Conic Relaxation},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2020-ECC-GM-b.pdf},
year = {2020}
[Bibtex] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
This work seeks to quantify the benefits of using energy storage toward the reduction of the energy generation cost of a power system. A two-fold optimization framework is provided where the first optimization problem seeks to find the optimal storage schedule that minimizes operational costs. Since the operational cost depends on the storage capacity, a second optimization problem is then formulated with the aim of finding the optimal storage capacity to be deployed. Although, in general, these problems are difficult to solve, we provide a lower bound on the cost savings for a parametrized family of demand profiles. The optimization framework is numerically illustrated using real-world demand data from ISO New England. Numerical results show that energy storage can reduce energy generation costs by at least 2.5 percent.
abstract = {This work seeks to quantify the benefits of using energy storage toward the reduction of the energy generation cost of a power system. A two-fold optimization framework is provided where the first optimization problem seeks to find the optimal storage schedule that minimizes operational costs. Since the operational cost depends on the storage capacity, a second optimization problem is then formulated with the aim of finding the optimal storage capacity to be deployed. Although, in general, these problems are difficult to solve, we provide a lower bound on the cost savings for a parametrized family of demand profiles.
The optimization framework is numerically illustrated using real-world demand data from ISO New England. Numerical results show that energy storage can reduce energy generation costs by at least 2.5 percent.},
author = {Shen, Yue and Bichuch, Maxim and Mallada, Enrique},
booktitle = {19th IEEE European Control Conference (ECC)},
doi = {10.23919/ECC51009.2020.9143772},
grants = {CAREER-1752362, CPS-1544771, ENERGISE-DE-EE0008006, AMPS-1736448, TRIPODS-1934979, EPCN-1711188, ARO-W911NF-17-1-0092},
keywords = {Power Networks},
month = {5},
pages = {1526-1532},
title = {On the Value of Energy Storage in Generation Cost Reduction},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2020-ECC-SBM.pdf},
year = {2020}
1 paper accepted to ACC 20
Our paper on implicit trajectory planning for feedback linearizable systems [1] has been accepted to American Control Conference 2020!
[Bibtex] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
We develop an optimization-based framework for joint real-time trajectory planning and feedback control of feedback-linearizable systems. To achieve this goal, we define a target trajectory as the optimal solution of a time-varying optimization problem. In general, however, such trajectory may not be feasible due to , e.g., nonholonomic constraints. To solve this problem, we design a control law that generates feasible trajectories that asymptotically converge to the target trajectory. More precisely, for systems that are (dynamic) full-state linearizable, the proposed control law implicitly transforms the nonlinear system into an optimization algorithm of sufficiently high order. We prove global exponential convergence to the target trajectory for both the optimization algorithm and the original system. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on multi-target or multi-agent tracking problems with constraints.
abstract = { We develop an optimization-based framework for joint real-time trajectory planning and feedback control of feedback-linearizable systems. To achieve this goal, we define a target trajectory as the optimal solution of a time-varying optimization problem. In general, however, such trajectory may not be feasible due to , e.g., nonholonomic constraints. To solve this problem, we design a control law that generates feasible trajectories that asymptotically converge to the target trajectory. More precisely, for systems that are (dynamic) full-state linearizable, the proposed control law implicitly transforms the nonlinear system into an optimization algorithm of sufficiently high order. We prove global exponential convergence to the target trajectory for both the optimization algorithm and the original system. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on multi-target or multi-agent tracking problems with constraints.},
author = {Zheng, Tianqi and Simpson-Porco, John W. and Mallada, Enrique},
booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
doi = {10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147997},
grants = {CPS-1544771, CAREER-1752362, ARO-W911NF-17-1-0092},
month = {7},
pages = {4677-4682},
title = {Implicit Trajectory Planning for Feedback Linearizable Systems: A Time-varying Optimization Approach},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2020-ACC-ZSM.pdf},
year = {2020}