Our paper on implicit trajectory planning for feedback linearizable systems [1] has been accepted to American Control Conference 2020!
[Bibtex] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
We develop an optimization-based framework for joint real-time trajectory planning and feedback control of feedback-linearizable systems. To achieve this goal, we define a target trajectory as the optimal solution of a time-varying optimization problem. In general, however, such trajectory may not be feasible due to , e.g., nonholonomic constraints. To solve this problem, we design a control law that generates feasible trajectories that asymptotically converge to the target trajectory. More precisely, for systems that are (dynamic) full-state linearizable, the proposed control law implicitly transforms the nonlinear system into an optimization algorithm of sufficiently high order. We prove global exponential convergence to the target trajectory for both the optimization algorithm and the original system. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on multi-target or multi-agent tracking problems with constraints.
abstract = { We develop an optimization-based framework for joint real-time trajectory planning and feedback control of feedback-linearizable systems. To achieve this goal, we define a target trajectory as the optimal solution of a time-varying optimization problem. In general, however, such trajectory may not be feasible due to , e.g., nonholonomic constraints. To solve this problem, we design a control law that generates feasible trajectories that asymptotically converge to the target trajectory. More precisely, for systems that are (dynamic) full-state linearizable, the proposed control law implicitly transforms the nonlinear system into an optimization algorithm of sufficiently high order. We prove global exponential convergence to the target trajectory for both the optimization algorithm and the original system. We illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on multi-target or multi-agent tracking problems with constraints.},
author = {Zheng, Tianqi and Simpson-Porco, John W. and Mallada, Enrique},
booktitle = {American Control Conference (ACC)},
doi = {10.23919/ACC45564.2020.9147997},
grants = {CPS-1544771, CAREER-1752362, ARO-W911NF-17-1-0092},
month = {7},
pages = {4677-4682},
title = {Implicit Trajectory Planning for Feedback Linearizable Systems: A Time-varying Optimization Approach},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2020-ACC-ZSM.pdf},
year = {2020}