I gave a talk on “Dynamic Droop Control for Low Inertia Power Systems” in the invited session at Future Electric Power Systems and the Energy Transition 2019. Related publications include [1, 2, 3, 4]
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The issue of synchronization in the power grid is receiving renewed attention, as new energy sources with different dynamics enter the picture. Global metrics have been proposed to evaluate performance, and analyzed under highly simplified assumptions. In this paper we extend this approach to more realistic network scenarios, and more closely connect it with metrics used in power engineering practice. In particular, our analysis covers networks with generators of heterogeneous ratings and richer dynamic models of machines. Under a suitable proportionality assumption in the parameters, we show that the step response of bus frequencies can be decomposed in two components. The first component is a system-wide frequency that captures the aggregate grid behavior, and the residual component represents the individual bus frequency deviations from the aggregate. Using this decomposition, we define –and compute in closed form– several metrics that capture dynamic behaviors that are of relevance for power engineers. In particular, using the system frequency, we define industry-style metrics (Nadir, RoCoF) that are evaluated through a representative machine. We further use the norm of the residual component to define a synchronization cost that can appropriately quantify inter-area oscillations. Finally, we employ robustness analysis tools to evaluate deviations from our proportionality assumption. We show that the system frequency still captures the grid steady-state deviation, and becomes an accurate reduced-order model of the grid as the network connectivity grows. Simulation studies with practically relevant data are included to validate the theory and further illustrate the impact of network structure and parameters on synchronization. Our analysis gives conclusions of practical interest, sometimes challenging the conventional wisdom in the field.
abstract = {The issue of synchronization in the power grid is receiving renewed attention, as new energy sources with different dynamics enter the picture. Global metrics have been proposed to evaluate performance, and analyzed under highly simplified assumptions. In this paper we extend this approach to more realistic network scenarios, and more closely connect it with metrics used in power engineering practice. In particular, our analysis covers networks with generators of heterogeneous ratings and richer dynamic models of machines. Under a suitable proportionality assumption in the parameters, we show that the step response of bus frequencies can be decomposed in two components. The first component is a system-wide frequency that captures the aggregate grid behavior, and the residual component represents the individual bus frequency deviations from the aggregate. Using this decomposition, we define --and compute in closed form-- several metrics that capture dynamic behaviors that are of relevance for power engineers. In particular, using the system frequency, we define industry-style metrics (Nadir, RoCoF) that are evaluated through a representative machine. We further use the norm of the residual component to define a synchronization cost that can appropriately quantify inter-area oscillations. Finally, we employ robustness analysis tools to evaluate deviations from our proportionality assumption. We show that the system frequency still captures the grid steady-state deviation, and becomes an accurate reduced-order model of the grid as the network connectivity grows. Simulation studies with practically relevant data are included to validate the theory and further illustrate the impact of network structure and parameters on synchronization. Our analysis gives conclusions of practical interest, sometimes challenging the conventional wisdom in the field.},
author = {Paganini, Fernando and Mallada, Enrique},
doi = {10.1109/TAC.2019.2942536},
grants = {CPS-1544771, AMPS-1736448, EPCN-1711188, CAREER-1752362, ENERGISE-DE-EE0008006},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control},
month = {7},
number = {7},
pages = {3007-3022},
title = {Global analysis of synchronization performance for power systems: bridging the theory-practice gap},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2020-TAC-PM.pdf},
volume = {67},
year = {2020}
[Bibtex] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
Implementing frequency response using grid-connected inverters is one of the popular proposed alternatives to mitigate the dynamic degradation experienced in low inertia power systems. However, such solution faces several challenges as inverters do not intrinsically possess the natural response to power fluctuations that synchronous generators have. Thus, to synthetically generate this response, inverters need to take frequency measurements, which are usually noisy, and subsequently make changes in the output power, which are therefore delayed. This paper explores the system-wide performance tradeoffs that arise when measurement noise, delayed actions, and power disturbances are considered in the design of dynamic controllers for grid-connected inverters. Using a recently proposed dynamic droop (iDroop) control for grid-connected inverters that is inspired by classical first order lead-lag compensation, we show that the sets of parameters that result in highest noise attenuation, power disturbance mitigation, and delay robustness do not necessarily have a common intersection. In particular, lead compensation is desired in systems where power disturbances are the predominant source of degradation, while lag compensation is a better alternative when the system is dominated by delays or frequency noise. Our analysis further shows that iDroop can outperform the standard droop alternative in both joint noise and disturbance mitigation, and delay robustness.
abstract = {Implementing frequency response using grid-connected inverters is one of the popular proposed alternatives to mitigate the dynamic degradation experienced in low inertia power systems. However, such solution faces several challenges as inverters do not intrinsically possess the natural response to power fluctuations that synchronous generators have. Thus, to synthetically generate this response, inverters need to take frequency measurements, which are usually noisy, and subsequently make changes in the output power, which are therefore delayed. This paper explores the system-wide performance tradeoffs that arise when measurement noise, delayed actions, and power disturbances are considered in the design of dynamic controllers for grid-connected inverters.
Using a recently proposed dynamic droop (iDroop) control for grid-connected inverters that is inspired by classical first order lead-lag compensation, we show that the sets of parameters that result in highest noise attenuation, power disturbance mitigation, and delay robustness do not necessarily have a common intersection. In particular, lead compensation is desired in systems where power disturbances are the predominant source of degradation, while lag compensation is a better alternative when the system is dominated by delays or frequency noise. Our analysis further shows that iDroop can outperform the standard droop alternative in both joint noise and disturbance mitigation, and delay robustness.},
author = {Jiang, Yan and Pates, Richard and Mallada, Enrique},
booktitle = {56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2017.8264414},
grants = {1544771, 1711188, W911NF-17-1-0092},
keywords = {Power Networks},
month = {12},
pages = {5098-5105},
title = {Performance tradeoffs of dynamically controlled grid-connected inverters in low inertia power systems},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2017-CDC-JPM.pdf},
year = {2017}
[Bibtex] [Abstract] [Download PDF]
This paper presents a novel Dynam-i-c Droop (iDroop) control mechanism to perform primary frequency control with gird-connected inverters that improves the network dynamic performance while maintaining the same steady-state characteristics of droop control. The work is motivated by the increasing dynamic degradation experienced by the power grid due to the increment on asynchronous inverted-based generation. We show that the widely suggested virtual inertia solution suffers from unbounded noise amplification (infinite H2 norm) and therefore could potentially degrade further the grid performance once widely deployed. This motivates the proposed solution on this paper that over- comes the limitations of virtual inertia controllers while sharing the same advantages of traditional droop control. In particular, our iDroop controllers are decentralized, rebalance supply and demand, and provide power sharing. Furthermore, our solution improves the dynamic performance without affecting the steady state solution. Our algorithm can be incrementally deployed and can be guaranteed to be stable using a decentralized sufficient stability condition on the parameter values. We illustrate several features of our solution using numerical simulations.
abstract = {This paper presents a novel Dynam-i-c Droop (iDroop) control mechanism to perform primary frequency control with gird-connected inverters that improves the network dynamic performance while maintaining the same steady-state characteristics of droop control. The work is motivated by the increasing dynamic degradation experienced by the power grid due to the increment on asynchronous inverted-based generation. We show that the widely suggested virtual inertia solution suffers from unbounded noise amplification (infinite H2 norm) and therefore could potentially degrade further the grid performance once widely deployed.
This motivates the proposed solution on this paper that over- comes the limitations of virtual inertia controllers while sharing the same advantages of traditional droop control. In particular, our iDroop controllers are decentralized, rebalance supply and demand, and provide power sharing. Furthermore, our solution improves the dynamic performance without affecting the steady state solution. Our algorithm can be incrementally deployed and can be guaranteed to be stable using a decentralized sufficient stability condition on the parameter values. We illustrate several features of our solution using numerical simulations.},
author = {Mallada, Enrique},
booktitle = {55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)},
doi = {10.1109/CDC.2016.7799027},
grants = {1544771},
keywords = {Power Networks},
month = {12},
pages = {4957-4964},
title = {iDroop: A dynamic droop controller to decouple power grid's steady-state and dynamic performance},
url = {https://mallada.ece.jhu.edu/pubs/2016-CDC-M.pdf},
year = {2016}